
Empowered students, ultra-connected campuses.

PinPoint is the first campus talent-mapping platform,
connecting students to the useful opportunities around them.

With PinPoint, we encourage exchange and innovation from within universities

Skip the queue.

Sign up and see who you could meet starting today.

PinPoint allows you to

find people on campus based
on the skills you need

Connect with other students and alumni from your university and start building together, whether it’s for your next ambitious project, or simply a skill you want to learn.

Societies connect,
Businesses grow

As a society at uni, PinPoint connects you to the entire campus and beyond. No more useless posters, now you can nurture a community.

If you are a business, PinPoint spreads the word to thousands of students on campus (those who are likely to appreciate it).

So how exactly does it work?

Show what you’re good at,

and what you want to do

Got a project idea?

Fancy learning something?
Want to highlight skills?

PinPoint matches

people, skills + projects

We find people, projects

and places that we think you’ll

like, and keep you notified

It’s time to make

the most out of uni

Make your ideas reality.
Engage in projects.
Build a network for you.

Awesome tools. And this is just the start.

Nearby Buddy Alert

Get alerted when you’re near
 someone worth talking to.
 And have full privacy control
 with PinPoint’s security settings

Search and map skills

Our advanced search gets
 intelligent results, ranked
 using our PinPoint Index
 tuned to your profile


As PinPoint gets to know you,
 it gets better at finding people,
 projects and opportunities 
we think you’ll like

Nurture your network

PinPoint encourages
 speedy and effective interactions by presenting best-matching results to the user

Develop your abilities

As you engage with the world around you and build new experiences, PinPoint pushes you to be your best